Lagu About You

Kami dari Kelas X MIPA2 Group 4 SMAN I Pesanggaran.........
Oke Friends ... kali ini saya akan share about Me, buatan sendiri. Nah kalau ngomongin tentang bikin lagu, Saya membuat lagu ini dari pengalaman persahabatan yang caem bangget. 

Untuk sebuah lagu karya ini, Saya menceritakan gimana sih punya sahabat yang selalu ada untuk kita trus.. bagaimana jua berbagi canda tawa bersama....Saat kita berbagi masalah, pokoknya banyak deh.... ABOUT YOU

Best friend stick togerher till the end
They are like a straight line that will not bend
Always create a curved line in my face
Always bring frash air to be blound in day

No metter if you are apart you are together
And you can be hero
Never leave your side they are here to stay
We love laugh and lunch together
They trust each other
We are pal mate ever forever

Beneran Untuk Anda Gratis? Silahkan   DOWNLOAD DISINI  so pasti OK lah..........
Jangan lupa…comment- nya kawan. Biar menambah semangat kami untuk membuat video again..


  1. Sawiti Cahayu1 detik yang lalu
    I have just listen this song. when I saw this choreography so easy and so relax.
    although that, this song keep slow for all age. cause the mean of this song so reality of life and not so hard. also this song so easy listening for all.
    I hope that your group will continues to create new song and insert a little or short knowledge or like reality of life. like that, this song tell us how to greatfull get and have friend. our problem as easy and we not alone to trough many problem. also like the lyrics we can to be hero. yeahhh.... dont be affraid to always create something and use it for new experience. fighting!!!!!!
    #ninaLikethissong :)

  2. SO. Be quick!!! to continues next cover song. I will wait for that and I have just subscribe your blog :D

  3. marvelous!!.. its fantastic song with an original and natural lyrics. i proud of you
    always cheerful guys

  4. it is good song.i proud of you

  5. I enjoy hear your song
    I like it
    Good song


  6. fantastic!
    It is good voice
    and good song


  7. im so love that song
    because i always remember my best friend when listening thats song

  8. thats was a amazing song

  9. that was awesome song in the world

  10. wahhh lagunya sangat enak didngar

  11. suara sama iringan gitarnya sangadz enak

  12. this song make me happy and remember my pal

    thanks nina


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